6 Shields Crt,Markham,Ontario $11.50For Lease
  MLS# N4549349
  • List Price
  • $11.50 For Lease
  • Total Bathroom(s)
  • 2
  • Total Bedrooms(s)
  • +
  • Property taxes
  • $4.45
  • Area
  • York
  • Community
  • Milliken Mills West
  • Land Size (ft.)
  • 0.00' x 0.00 '
  • Property Type:
  • Office
  • Property Style:


  • Land Size:
  • 0.00' x 0.00
  • Possession:
  • Shields
  • Annual Property Taxes (estimate):
  • $4.45/2019
  • #Bathrooms:
  • 2
  • #Parkings:
  • Garage Type:
  • Outside/Surface
  • Heat Type:
  • Gas Forced Air Open
  • Basement:
  • Central AC:
  • Part

Property Description

A Prestige Precast Office Unit With Exposure To Woodbine. Minutes To Hwy 7,407 & 404.Note:T.M.I. Includes Maintenance & Replacement Of Hvac System.


Features Included :
Abundance Of Free Parking